
The Magician

Uranus Facts


  1. (above) Uranus 175k gif
  2. Two views of Uranus's darkspot 107k gif

  3. normal and false color views 102k gif; 40k jpg

  4. False-color view of Uranus 67k gif
  5. Uranus 71k gif; 17k jpg

  6. Epsilon ring 63k gif; 141k gif; 148k jpg

  7. Uranus's rings (false color) 78k gif; 35k jpg; 211k gif

  8. rings and shepherds 152k gif; 255k jpg

  9. HST view of rings and atmosphere features 73k gif; 48k jpg

  10. ... more Uranus images


  1. Radio occultation 1050k quicktime
  2. Sigma Sagitarius Occultation 1300k quicktime
  3. Historical Background: Discovery of Uranus 3000k AVI
  4. Magnetic Field of Uranus 3400k AVI

Uranus's Satellites

Uranus has 15 known moons.
           Distance  Radius    Mass
Satellite  (000 km)   (km)     (kg)   Discoverer   Date
---------  --------  ------  -------  ----------  -----
Cordelia         50      13    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Ophelia          54      16    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Bianca           59      22    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Cressida         62      33    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Desdemona        63      29    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Juliet           64      42    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Portia           66      55    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Rosalind         70      27    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Belinda          75      34    ?      Voyager 2    1986
Puck             86      77    ?      Voyager 2    1985
Miranda         130     236  6.30e19  Kuiper       1948
Ariel           191     579  1.27e21  Lassell      1851
Umbriel         266     585  1.27e21  Lassell      1851
Titania         436     789  3.49e21  Herschel     1787
Oberon          583     761  3.03e21  Herschel     1787

Uranus's Rings

         Distance   Width
Ring       (km)      (km)
-------  --------   -----
1986U2R    38000    2,500
6          41840    1-3
5          42230    2-3
4          42580    2-3
Alpha      44720    7-12
Beta       45670    7-12
Eta        47190    0-2
Gamma      47630    1-4
Delta      48290    3-9
1986U1R    50020    1-2
Epsilon    51140    20-100
(distance is from Uranus's center to the ring's inner edge)

More about Uranus and its satellites

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Contents ... Sun ... Saturn ... Phoebe ... Uranus ... Cordelia ... Neptune ... Data Host

Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 July 26